VO Group at a Glance

Strategic Outsourced Sales Prospecting 

Outsourced Sales Prospecting

Outsourcing with VO Group is a method of having a Virtual Sales Team by creating a Virtual Organization (VO). VO Group is a virtual team of independent professionals that have senior-level, field sales experience. We, as a team, work for you on an as-needed basis, with a specific focus and mission to identify near-term revenue opportunities.

Forward Thinking

For companies large and small, US or International, this is an attractive way to go to market, to contract professionals, to save money, to penetrate new markets, to secure new partnerships, and to cross international borders.us

Fractional Ownership of a Prospecting Team

VO Group makes sales calls and we generate sales leads. We prospect for actionable revenue. Outsourcing of the sales desk is measurable. Outsourcing of the prospecting effort with senior-level people is efficient, offers better results, and there are no distractions that come with internal sales desks or with your internal field sales.

Campaign Support

We start by designing a campaign that works for you.We turn in only qualified leads.We know your industry and space.We can reduce your cost per sales call. We can increase your near-term business. We are more effective than your internal or external sales teams. We Prospect. You Sell.

VO 360

VO Group takes a full service approach to sales prospecting and lead generation. We are proud of our early adoption of the gig economy model and our ability to leverage a professional, outsourced sales team.

  • Strategic Telemarketing 80% 80%
  • Channel Development and Management 60% 60%
  • VO Concierge 50% 50%
  • Digital Marketing 40% 40%