VO Blog

Demonstrate Empathy

An Article by Stephen Zarick, CEO, VO Group, LLC www.vogroup.com www.stephenzarick.com Sales people need to learn to "listen. - Stephen Zarick In sales we are most times calling strangers. We are attempting to engage this stranger to see if they are interested in our...

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The Digital Nomad

An Article by Stephen Zarick, CEO, VO Group, LLC www.vogroup.com, www.stephenzarick.com The Digital Nomad: One that is not physically bound to an office, a desk, a customer base. Not bound by desk, by office, by town, by customer, by...

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It’s not about US; it’s about THEM

Author: Stephen Zarick, CEO, VO Group, LLC There are some very simple people skills that we embrace to be successful in life, and in sales. If you spend all of your mouth moving time talking about YOU, then you will likely have few friends. Some might think that you...

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Intentional Sales Progression

Stephen Zarick, President, VO Group, LLC. Intentional Progression refers to a style of moving sales through your sales cycle.  In other words, this is as opposed to those that do not have any idea what their sales progression looks like....

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Sales Prospecting in the Enterprise

Stephen Zarick, President, VO Group, LLC Who said cold calling is dead? Those that do not like cold calling ... of course. Who said SEO and Search, eMailing, Social Media, Trade Shows, and White Paper downloads are the new sales approach?...

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VO Group, A Virtual Sales Organization

Stephen Zarick, President, VO Group, LLC VO Group embraces Cloud based Collaborative tools and resources to operate as a Virtual Organization. VO Group is a Sales Development company started by Stephen Zarick. The original intent of VO Group...

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M2M (The Internet of Things)

Stephen Zarick, CEO, VO Group If you are involved in Mobile technologies, then you need to understand M2M. M2M will represent the largest growth sector of mobile technologies over the next decade. M2M represents a market that will approach 7...

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